Emacs Drill: Key Binding

Table of Content

This blog is design to build up Emacs muscle memory for beginners and casual Emacs users.

This is an attempt to deal with use-it-or-lose-it memory decay issue. I design this page to recall core features in the least amount of time.

I expect to review this periodically through these steps.

  1. Read the intent in each section
  2. Answer the intent in my mind. This include recall the key binding and command.

Basic: Cancel, Undo, and Recover

Intent Key Binding Command
Cancel current key binding progress C-g keyboard-quit
Undo C-_ undo
Redo after undo C-g C-_  
Restore previous session M-x recover-session recover-session

Getting help

This section focus on Emacs build in help.

Intent Key Binding Command
List all possible help options C-h ? help-for-help
List all binded keys C-h b describe-binding
Describe key binding and assigned function C-h k {keys} describe-key
Describe a function purpose C-h f {function} describe-function
Where is a function bind to C-h w {function} where-is
Describe current buufer mode C-h m describe-mode
Search help by similar keyword C-h a apropos-command

Working with Files

Intent Key Binding Command
Open a file C-x C-f find-file
Find alternative file and replace current buffer C-x C-v find-alternative-file
Insert other file content at cursor C-x i insert-file
Save current buffer to file C-x C-s save-buffer
Save content as other file C-x C-w write-file

Files and Windows

Intent Key Binding Command
Find file in other window C-x 4 f find-file-other-window
Find file read-only in other window C-x 4 r find-file-read-only-other-window

Files and Frames

Intent Key Binding Command
Find file in other frame C-x 5 f find-file-other-frame
Find file read-only in other frame C-x 5 r find-file-read-only-other-frame


Baisc: Working with Buffers

Intent Key Binding Command
List all buffers C-x C-b list-buffers
Switch to a new or existing buffer C-x b {buffer name} switch-to-buffer
Kill a buffer C-x k kill-buffer
Toggle read only buffer C-x C-q read-only-mode
Revert buffer change M-x revert-buffer revert-buffer

Cursor Motion

Inside a Buffer

This section focus on cursor navigation inside a buffer.

Intent - Move Cursor to… Key Binding Command
Forward one character C-f forward-char
Backward one character C-b backward-char
Forward one word M-f forward-word
Backward one word M-b backwoard-word
Next line C-n next-line
Previous line C-p previous-line
View next screen C-v scroll-down-command
View previous screen M-v scroll-up-command
Clear center screen to bottom/top/center C-l recenter-top-bottom
Begin of line C-a move-beginning-of-line
End of line C-e move-end-of-line
Begin of sentence M-a backward-sentence
End of sentence M-e forward-sentence
Begin of paragraph M-{ backward-paragraph
End of paragraph M-} forward-paragraph
Begin of page C-x [ backward-page
End of page C-x ] forward-page
Begin of buffer M-< beginning-of-buffer
End of buffer M-> end-of-buffer
Begin of function C-M-a beginning-of-defun
End of function C-M-e end-of-defun
Begin of sexp C-M-b backward-sexp
End of sexp C-M-f forward-sexp


Search and Replace

Intent Key Binding Command
Search forward C-s isearch-forward
Search forward regex M-C-s isearch-forward-regexp
Search backward C-r isearch-backward
Search backward regex M-C-r isearch-backward-regexp
Replace forward M-% query-replace
Replace forward regex M-C-% query-replace-regexp

Within Search or Replace Ring

Intent Key Binding Command
Find next search M-n  
Find previous search M-p  
Complete search phrase C-M-i  


Intent Key Binding Command
Insert new line below C-o open-line
Insert new line with rest of line C-M-o split-line
Delete blank line around point C-x C-o delete-blank-lines
Join 2 lines M-^ delete-indentation


Intent Key Binding Command
Delete forward a character C-d delete-forward-char
Delete forward a character DEL org-delete-char
Delete forward word M-d kill-word
Delete backward word M-DEL backward-kill-word
Delete from cursor to end of line C-k org-kill-line
Delete current sentence M-k kill-sentence
Delete white space M-\ delete-horizontal-space


Intent Key Binding Command
Indent region C-M-\ indent-region
Indent sexp   indent-sexp
Indent rigid C-x TAB indent-rigidly

Mark and Region

Intent Key Binding Command
Start marking a region M-SPC set-mark-command
Mark a word M-@ mark-word
Mark a paragraph M-h org-mark-element
Mark page C-x C-p mark-page
Mark sexp C-M-@ mark-sexp
Mark function C-M-h mark-defun
Mark entire buffer C-x h mark-whole-buffer
Swap cursor poistion C-x C-x exchange-point-and-mark
Delete marked region C-w kill-region


Intent Key Binding Command
Split windows below C-x 2 split-window-below
Split windows sideway C-x 3 split-window-right
Delete other windows C-x 1 delete-other-windows
Delete this window C-x 0 delete-window

Working with Other Windows

Intent Key Binding Command
Switch to other window C-x o other-window
Scroll other window down C-M-v scroll-other-window-down
(Alternative) M-PGDN  
Scroll other window up C-M-S-v scroll-other-window
(Alternative) M-PGUP  
Switch buffer in other window C-x 4 b switch-to-buffer-other-window
Display buffer in other window C-x 4 C-o display-buffer


Intent Key Binding Command
Split frame below C-x 5 2 make-frame-command
Delete other frames C-x 5 1 delete-other-frames
Delete this frame C-x 5 0 delete-frame

Working with Other Frames

Intent Key Binding Command
Switch to other frame C-x 5 o other-frame
Scroll other frame down C-M-v scroll-other-window-down
(Alternative) M-PGDN  
Scroll other frame up C-M-S-v scroll-other-window
(Alternative) M-PGUP  
Switch buffer in other frame C-x 5 b switch-to-buffer-other-frame
Display buffer in other frame C-x 5 C-o display-buffer-other-frame